Bonnie’s Buzz Toast to 2018

During this special week between Christmas and New Year’s, I want to personally thank Legends Radio for giving me the opportunity to share with all of you, my favorite things to do locally and nationally, and what to wear when you get there!

I love the music of Legends, and all the people involved, and the listening audience for keeping us all going! Remember, it’s all about style, and that’s what my focus has been – to share a part of me with you each week.

I’m wishing all of you a Happy and Healthy New Year, and Best Wishes always! Contact me at if you have any questions or comments. I look forward to buzzing around for you in 2018!

A Happy and a Healthy New Year to all!

Pre-Holiday Sparkles

We are in pre-holiday season, where pumpkin spice is taking over just in time for Halloween. Thanksgiving and Christmas will be here soon, and that means parties and family gatherings galore! Bonnie Roseman’s BLT features one of a kind clothing from all over the world that can travel easily, pack well, and help you make a stand out statement in the holiday atmosphere.

Green is a gorgeous color all year round, and pairs beautifully with this shell and jade necklace and abalone clutch purse. Find a one of a kind gift for a loved one, or treat yourself by browsing through our online boutique at

Green Continue reading “Pre-Holiday Sparkles”