June is quite jazzy and steaming up this month, here in Palm Beach County!
Le Rendez-vous has live music on Sunday nights and Tuesday nights, and you never know who’s going to be jammin’ there! It’s at 221 Datura Street off of Olive in downtown West Palm Beach – a fantastic place with fashion videos and delicious small bites- it’s a great romantic spot.

Then there’s Banko Cantina – it’s a three story restored bank building on Olive just south of Clematis Street, right around the corner from Le Rendez-vous where you can see a fabulous live Motown group singin’ and swingin’. The Motown Sound is on Tuesday nights, but you can always call them for additional information at (561) 355 – 1399.

In North County up in Jupiter it is The Double Roads Tavern off of Indiantown Road on US-1. They’re always having celebrations and anniversaries of all types of jazz, rock n’ roll, and blues. I highly recommend it!

I know Tony Silver and his band will be jammin’ at Dorian’s on Saturday night this week on Clematis Street, another great place to get your toes tapping.

Let’s not forget, in the South part of the county in Boca Raton, it’s the Funky Biscuit! They have live music just about every night of the week. Monday night is blues night – can’t miss that!

On Thursday nights every week, at the Waterfront in West Palm Beach, it’s Clematis By Night. This Thursday night, June 1st, Summer in Paradise opens with a tribute band to Michael Jackson called Man in the Mirror. Great activity for the whole family.

Also, there are special activities on Thursday night at the Norton Art Museum for free! Art After Dark – check it out in your local listings. There’s a good chance you’ll hear some live music – always interesting.

A couple of my favorites, Michael Masci at the Pelican Cafe every Thursday night this summer – he’ll be singing the American Songbook.

And, Raquel Williams! Singing the beautiful ballads and swinging songs at the Polo Lounge at the Colony Hotel on Saturday night – not to be missed!

As the summer starts to sizzle, and June’s breezes are blowing with swingin’ jazz, remember, it’s all about dressing with style. Bring out those lightweight whites, brights, and pastels.

Always remember my Three Golden Rules to Dress By:
- Build Your Wardrobe with classic pieces.
- Liven Your Wardrobe with fun novelty items.
- Tweak Your Wardrobe with touches of color.
Feel good, and look even better!