Bonnie’s Buzz About Town – May 7, 2020

It’s a whole new world out there, and all kinds of people are coming through during these challenging times to help entertain us, and educate us.

Jim Caruso of Birdland is doing the Pajama Cast Party,  and you can check that out on YouTube. Every Sunday at 5 o’clock, Deb Silver has been doing a live show on Facebook, and will also have a ‘secret party’ where you can social distance. Message her on Facebook for more information.

Post for pajama cast party featuring bright letters.
Join the Pajama Cast Party


Lilian and Maycol, who usually play at Trevini on Sundays in Palm Beach, are now doing a live show at 4 o’clock on Sundays on Facebook. Billy Stritch is creating ‘Billy’s Place,’ Thursdays at 8 o’clock on Facebook live, that’s going to be amazing.

Lilian & Maycol

Cheryl Dunne has created a Facebook page called Success Dunne, and is focusing on helping small businesses become more vital during this time. It’s a really great service to help become a little more inventive during this time. Edwige Gilbert has a website all about infinite possibilities, and she is a life coach and author. Her website is, and her advice can be very helpful during this challenging time.

A bright yellow book cover.
A great book for life advice

I have been educating people on how to put their wardrobes together, and it’s been such a wonderful time! Tune in to my Personal Facebook Page each week day at 3 p.m. for the live show, and catch the episodes any time on my YouTube channel.

A photo of Bonnie Roseman.
Tune in week days at 3 p.m. Eastern Time.

So whether you’re learning more about fashion or reading life advice, or if you’re enjoying a music concert online, remember, it’s all about style.

Woman in pink sweater.
See the BLT Collection virtually, and have items delivered to you.
1. Build Your Wardrobe with classic pieces.
2. Liven Your Wardrobe with fun novelty items.
3. Tweak Your Wardrobe with touches of color.
Feel good, and look even better!

Bonnie’s Buzz About Town – April 23, 2020

There is still so much to do while you’re at home, staying safe.

There’s a wonderful little site online called Traveling Locavores. I recommend it! They do tasting America “one bite at a time,” and they give wonderful recipes that are perfect to try at home. Chef Mark Murphy from Chopped on the Food Channel is now doing a wonderful live show on instagram, so check that out.

Traveling Locavores logo.
Traveling Locavores

There’s another great site called Trivia Genius, for those who are into getting quizzed about all kinds of fun trivia knowledge. Also, the third season of Fauda is on Netflix, and it was a real nail-biter.  Disney has a lot going on when it comes to live-streaming. They’re doing Disney on Broadway, so be sure to check that out.

Netflix poster for Fauda.
Fauda Season 3 now on Netflix

The head of Transcendental Meditation, Dr. Nader, which is shown in over 100 countries, is using his Facebook page livestream to share meditations daily around noon, Eastern Standard Time. Another gal that I’m very fond of, Sara Boyce, does Bee Present. It involves guided meditations daily, so be sure to check her out. You can even text her at (508) 825 – 2525.

Bee Present Wellness logo, blue with a bee.
Bee Present Wellness

Jazzvox is having amazing concerts via livestream. Ann Hampton Callaway is performing on April 26th, Tony DeSare, one of my favorite crooners, will be performing on May 3rd. For more artistic works such as plays, poetry or lectures, be sure to check out the Society of the Four Arts.

Society of the Four Arts Building.
The Society of the Four Arts always has stellar programs to enjoy

So whether you’re watching a jazz concert online, or you’re learning all kinds of fabulous tips from Bonnie’s Fashion Buzz, it’s all about style!

Bridge and Jewelry
See the Bonnie Roseman BLT Collection today
Always remember my Three Golden Rules to dress by:
1. Build Your Wardrobe with classic pieces.
2. Liven Your Wardrobe with fun novelty items.
3. Tweak Your Wardrobe with touches of color.
Feel good, and look even better!

Bonnie’s Buzz About Town – April 30, 2020

We’re still staying safe at home, and there is still so much to do!

Jazzvox is having amazing concerts via livestream. Tony DeSare, one of my favorite crooners, will be performing on May 3rd. For more artistic works such as plays, poetry or lectures, be sure to check out the Society of the Four Arts.

Society of the Four Arts Building.
The Society of the Four Arts always has stellar programs to enjoy

There’s a wonderful site called The Discoverer, which has a lot of information about interesting things going on, in case you want to utilize it once we can finally take a vacation and explore new places. There’s another website called ChangeThatUp, which gives all kinds of great life advice.

Check out The Discoverer

The most exciting news is that I’ve been doing a fabulous new Facebook Live show called Bonnie’s Fashion Buzz!  Watch it live on my personal Facebook page weekdays at 3 p.m. Eastern Time. You can subscribe to my YouTube channel and stay up to date on new episodes.

A photo of Bonnie Roseman.
Tune in week days at 3 p.m. Eastern Time.

Whether you’re exploring a new website with travel tips, or you’re watching a new episode of Bonnie’s Fashion Buzz, remember, it’s all about style!

Make your appointment now! Email
Always remember my Three Golden Rules to dress by:
1. Build Your Wardrobe with classic pieces.
2. Liven Your Wardrobe with fun novelty items.
3. Tweak Your Wardrobe with touches of color.
Feel good, and look even better!

Bonnie’s Buzz About Town April 16th, 2020

During these very strange times, I am keeping very busy online. It’s just amazing!

Before I forget I want to let you know, Ann Hampton Calloway is doing a live concert on Saturday at 7 o’clock on Facebook. And, we have Jill and Rich on Thursdays and Fridays at 5 o’clock, having a little Quarantini Cocktail Hour live on

Poster for Jill and Rich's Quarantini cocktail hour showing martini glasses and orange slices.
Watch Jill & Rich live on the Morning Lounge

I’ve also been doing a lot of virtual tours of museums. See an online guide from Travel & Leisure. The Degas Opera Exhibit from the National Museum of Natural History in Washington D.C. are now explorable virtually online.

The Barnes Foundation in Philadelphia is showing a tour of their art online, and the National Cowboy Museum has a tour. You don’t have to go anywhere! You can even go to the National Parks website and take an online tour of all the National Parks.

Photo of a gallery wall with paintings hanging.
View the Barnes Foundation exhibitions online

Live at Carnegie Hall has been showing concerts performed at the venue. Find Carnegie Hall on YouTube to enjoy the performances. Live from 54 Below – Michael Feinstein’s Club in New York is doing a lot of concerts that they’d previously held live, and they’re all available online.

Bonnie and Michael Feinstein standing together.
Michael & Bonnie

The most fun I’ve had is creating my own segment called Bonnie’s Fashion Buzz, which I host every day at 3 o’clock Mondays through Fridays on my personal Facebook page. I teach you all about fashion, style, and how to make your wardrobe work better for you. Subscribe to my YouTube channel to get an alert every time there’s a new video.

A photo of Bonnie Roseman.
Tune in week days at 3 p.m. Eastern Time.

So whether you’re organizing your closet, or watching along with a concert on YouTube, it’s all about style – feel good, and look even better!

Let’s find the perfect pieces to compliment your wardrobe.
Always remember my Three Golden Rules to dress by:
1. Build Your Wardrobe with classic pieces.
2. Liven Your Wardrobe with fun novelty items.
3. Tweak Your Wardrobe with touches of color.
Feel good, and look even better!

Bonnie’s Buzz About Town – April 9th, 2020

The main thing that’s important right now is to stay home, and stay safe. There are still so many things that I want to share with you that are online, and will help keep you busy.

I have a friend named Tony DeSare, and he is posting a wonderful song every day. He’s a fabulous singer, definitely the crooner type. Check him out on Facebook. Billy Stritch and Linda Lavin are doing a show every Wednesday at 3 o’clock on their Facebook page. Deb Silver, who’s a fabulous local singer and internationally known, is doing her concert at 5 o’clock on Sundays, on Facebook.

Don’t miss Deb Silver!

And I did want to let you know that Jill and Rich from The Morning Lounge are doing a cocktail party virtually on at 5 o’clock. They are calling it the Quarantini Cocktail Hour. It’s on Thursdays and Fridays, don’t miss it!

Poster for Jill and Rich's Quarantini cocktail hour showing martini glasses and orange slices.
Watch Jill & Rich live on the Morning Lounge is a great site to see some of the most incredible Broadway and Cabaret artists of our day. Seth Rudetsky is our host on that. There’s also a wonderful show on YouTube called Jazz Vespers. Also, Oprah Winfrey does an incredible show called Super Soul Sundays, check that out, it’s on her OWN network. I still do this day enjoy watching Jane Pauly on the CBS Sunday Morning Show.

Stars in the House

For binge-watching I have been watching Hulu’s Little Fires Everywhere with Reese Witherspoon and Kerry Washington. Fabulous show. Also, I just watched Reese Witherspoon, Steve Carrell, and Jennifer Aniston on Apple TVs The Morning Show.  That was a wonderful series!

Little Fires Everywhere, now on Hulu

I’m very excited to share with you my new series on Facebook Live called Bonnie’s Fashion Buzz! Tune in Monday through Friday at 3 o’clock Eastern time, where I give you all kinds of fashion tips while sharing my treasures.

A photo of Bonnie Roseman.
Tune in week days at 3 p.m. Eastern Time.

So whether you’re watching a concert online, or having a virtual cocktail hour with your friends, remember, it’s all about style!

Email to schedule your spring appointment today!
Always remember my Three Golden Rules to dress by:
1. Build Your Wardrobe with classic pieces.
2. Liven Your Wardrobe with fun novelty items.
3. Tweak Your Wardrobe with touches of color.
Feel good, and look even better!