Travel Ready

Bonnie has been booked all over Palm Beach. It seems that this spring, her wardrobe wisdom has been in demand more than ever! At The Colony Hotel, Bonnie spoke at an event called “Clicking In” with Lani Click, where she spoke to a group of women about how to pack effectively when you travel on a trip. She demonstrated the various ways you could start with the basics and layer on accessories to make your look really “pop!”

Bonnie showing modern women how to make accessories work for their wardrobe.
Bonnie showing modern women how to make accessories work for their wardrobe.

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New Year Travels

On Bonnie’s drive from the Lone Star State to Santa Fe, New Mexico, her first stop was to the home of a client whose closet had an entire section of BLT pieces purchased over the years.  Bonnie said it was a “retrospective of my career!”   It was also a testimony to  Bonnie’s perceptive wardrobe services and the classic, timeless appeal of her collections.

One of Bonnie's clients has 30 years of BLT in one closet!
One of Bonnie’s clients has 30 years of BLT in one closet!

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