Art & Style

Even though I’m on island to share my treasures  of clothing and accessories, I embrace everything this enchanting island has to offer. I delight in attending art shows that feature up and coming as well as established artists, learning more about sustainability and local food, listening to lectures on interior design, and watching the fantastic comedy shows.
Recently, Audrey Sterk Gallery  featured art by Kerry Irvine. Her prints are beautiful. Her designs would make amazing scarves that we could all wear.
Audrey Sterk Gallery
Fine Artist Kerry Irvine

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Finding the Piece to the Puzzle

After coming to Nantucket for twenty summer seasons, I’m proud to be part of the community, and want to give something back to this island. I enjoy taking part in many charitable endeavors to make this magical spot better for everyone who calls this place home.

Walking for a good cause feels like wearing a pair of comfortable shoes. It’s satisfying, and you feel like with every step you’re getting closer to the finish line of finding a cure. It was a beautiful day in Nantucket for the Autism Speaks Walk. I’m proud to march for such a wonderful cause.

Autism Speaks Walk, Nantucket, August 2015.
Autism Speaks Walk, Nantucket, August 2015.

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