Palm Beach is Hoppin’

Listen below for a highlight reel of the best social events in Palm Beach County! Bonnie’s Buzz About Town airs every Thursday morning in the 9 o’clock hour on Legends Radio 100.3 FM! Head to their homepage at and look for Bonnie’s Buzz.

Everyone is hopping around like little bunnies in Palm Beach this week!

If you want to see some wonderful crafts and artwork, go to CityPlace this weekend, Saturday and Sunday, it’s the CityPlace Art Fair! Always a winner.

CityPlace Art Festival in Palm Beach
CityPlace Art Festival in Palm Beach

A fun thing to do is: My Life On A Diet, with Renee Taylor. She’s hysterical! It’s at Mizner Park Cultural Center in Boca on March 30th and April 1st – don’t miss!

A must-see event!
Renee is known for playing the mother of Fran Drescher in the TV show ‘The Nanny’ – she’s hilarious!

Before all the Easter Egg hunts begin, check out an exhibit at the Ann Norton Sculpture Gardens – Rising: The Mystical World of Sophie Ryder – April 30th.

The enchanting work of Sophie Ryder.
The enchanting work of Sophie Ryder.

My movie pick of the week: Beauty and the Beast. A must-see for the entire family. Try to see it on the IMAX screen. A wonderful film.

A great outing for all ages.
A great outing for all ages.

On April 3rd it’s the final event of the Cultural Council of the Palm Beaches, it’s Culture & Cocktails: An interview with Rob Russell and Jill & Rich Switzer. Informative and entertaining!

Bonnie Roseman and Jill Switzer
Bonnie Roseman and Jill Switzer

Talking about The Colony, one of my favorite crooners is Michael Masci! He tickles the ivories and does his crooning thing at the Polo Lounge every Tuesday through Thursday night during the season. Hop over there, and make sure you don’t miss him – he’s a treat!

Bonnie Roseman and Michael Masci
Bonnie Roseman and Michael Masci

If you want to slow down the pace a bit, do a walking history tour at the West Palm Beach Green Market on April 1st at 10 AM. Join local historian and architect Rick Gonzalez for a fun and lively morning tour. For further information, go to

Rick Gonzalez and Bonnie Roseman
Rick Gonzalez and Bonnie Roseman

Whether you hop, skip or jump this week, it’s all about style: pull out your brights, your whites and pastels.

Keep it light, bright, and fun for springtime!
Keep it light, bright, and fun for springtime!

Always remember my Three Golden Rules to dress by:

  1. Build Your Wardrobe with classic pieces.
  2. Liven Your Wardrobe with fun novelty items.
  3. Tweak Your Wardrobe with touches of color.

Feel good, and look even better!

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